Prayer Everywhere offers an easier strategy and better opportunities than conventional prayer and dated evangelism models. People will begin to win unsaved friends, relatives, associates and neighbors through effective intercession.
Prayer Everywhere is becoming the most popular and successful way to introduce people to prayer and prayer partnerships. People will experience a non-intimidating environment for their prayer development and spiritual growth.
Prayer Everywhere will eventually render useless ministry models that do not prioritize the practice and principles of prayer. People will be directed and assimilated into churches and ministries that are committed to growing “houses of prayer everywhere”.
Prayer Everywhere is a new way of living that provides peace and prosperity in all areas of family, business and ministry. People will discover how to develop their relationship with God and live the abundant life of Christ.
Prayer Everywhere is a spiritual movement committed to expanding the influence of God’s kingdom in the earth. People will begin to overcome the world and view themselves as partners of opportunities that are ordained by God.
Prayer Everywhere is simple and family-friendly. People who love the Lord and/or want to support someone they love will get involved in The Opportunity. People will build stronger relationships with family and friends through prayer.
Prayer Everywhere offers great flexibility and freedom to participate in The Opportunity. People will make a significant impact in the lives of others by being willing to pray at anytime, anywhere with anyone.
Prayer Everywhere is a positive and supportive network that affirms faith in Jesus Christ and love for one another. People will experience Spirit-filled intercession and acceptance in all small groups and large gatherings.
Prayer Everywhere is the best option for launching and leading your own prayer-based ministry. People will have the opportunity to acquire spiritual covering, partner in the network and implement effective evangelism and prayer models.
Prayer Everywhere is an effective global missions venture. People will send international intercessors around the world to train and support the building of prayer-based, world evangelism ministries.